Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Blue Umbrella

Title--  The Blue Umbrella

Film Type--  Animated Short

Release Year--  2013

Running Time--  7 Minutes

Director-- Sacschka Unseld

Vocal Performance--  Sarah Jaffe

In the city during an evening rain storm, two umbrellas fall in love.

At the end of a busy work day a storm rolls into the city and as the first rain drops begin to fall, the objects around the city begin to come to life.  Objects such as a mailbox, the end of a gutter, the bottom of a gutter downspout and a "Walk/Do Not Walk" sign (to name a few) begin to smile at the rain.

As the people in the buildings begin to fill the sidewalk after work they all open bland, unfriendly black umbrellas.  Suddenly in the middle of the crowd, a blue smiling umbrella opens and takes in the rain.  As the blue umbrella makes his way down the street, he is stopped by the "Do Not Walk" sign at the crosswalk.  He is glancing around and notices a red umbrella open next to him.  The two are immediately taken with each other but as soon as the sign turns to "Walk" they are taken separate ways by their owners.  Determined to get back to the red umbrella, the blue umbrella makes an attempt to get back to her.

This is the short film that made me want to sit down and start taking in animated short films.  I have watched this short film about 30 times, mainly because my two year old daughter loves it but each time it doesn't get any less cute.  The concept is great and as ever, Pixar has done a great job making inanimate objects come to life.  Things that would not typically get to show emotion get to in this short and it is fantastic.  I think one of my favorites is a building in the background that looks as if it is in shock.  If you watch the film you will see what I am talking about.

Take 7 minutes to view this short film, I will guarantee that you will enjoy it.  Even the vocals in the short will have you smiling and bobbing your head along with the beat.  Watch it with a little person and watch the wonder on their face as they enjoy this short and Don't Forget the Popcorn!

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